Calçamos as bruxas!
Spooky Shoes
A ideia partiu das professoras de Inglês do 1º e do 2º Ciclos, que incentivaram os seus alunos a construir uma verdadeira “Sapataria Halloween”! Com a colaboração dos Encarregados de Educação, a criatividade foi muita e o resultado surpreendente. As fotos falam por si, mas se quiserem apreciar o calçado assustador ao vivo, encontram estes Spooky Shoes, em exposição, no átrio da Escola Sede e na biblioteca do Centro Escolar. Parabéns!
The origins of Halloween
Halloween traditions come from 16th century in Ireland, Scotland, and England.
The tradition of Halloween on 31st October comes from the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain. They celebrated it on 1st November because that was the end of harvest time (life) and the beginning of winter (death). It was also the time for ghosts to return to earth for a day.
The Celts carved faces into vegetables to scare the ghosts and other spirits. It was sometimes called a jack-o’-lantern because of an Irish story about a man, Jack. He played a trick on the devil and then he had to walk the earth for all time.
Scary costumes
The Celts were afraid of the ghosts that came on Samhain. When they went outside after dark, they covered their faces with masks to look like ghosts too.
Trick or treat
This tradition began in England. On All Souls Day, rich people gave poor people ‘soul cakes’. Today children knock on people’s doors and ask for sweets.